golf shoes

Finding a good pair of golf shoes is the best.

All of the following recommendations are sourced from fellow female golfers.

Full folder of recs can be found HERE - a few favorites are features below!

Brand Spotlight: Cole Haan 

These shoes are my new favorites, the Shortwing Oxford.
Conveniently on sale for $90 (50% off) right now! (link)



You can never go wrong with FootJoy. My first love.
They've really expanded their style and selections, but these stood out:
FJ Premiere $190 - link
FJ Links $130 - link
FJ Hyperflex $90 - link

Retrocross $88 - link

These seem to be as comfortable as they look. They have an adorable sneaker style and you can get them right on Amazon!

Golf Biomme $250 - link

I have heard good things about Ecco shoes. People who love them, LOVE them. Worth a try for sure.